This has been one of the most helpful trainings I have attended!

– Jason

2024 IITAP Symposium Slides

Download the slides to Foundations of Group Therapy for Sex Addiction below.

Facilitating Sex Addiction Groups in Private Practice

October 18th, 2024 from 9am – 5pm PCT via Zoom

Why this training?

This training came by request of my CSAT-candidates who eagerly desired to learn about facilitating sex addiction groups but had little local resources to learn. Out of this need came this workshop! After sharing it with a few of my colleagues, many expressed interest to attend. Now the workshop is open to any CSAT-candidate, CSAT, ASAT, PSAT – anyone with an IITAP Certification. The reason for this requirement is participants will be expected to know much of the information from the CSAT trainings.

Course Summary

The facilitation of outpatient sex addiction groups requires specific knowledge and methods unique to the addictive population. Research concludes group therapy can be more effective than individual therapy; therefore, offering group therapy allows practices to provide evidence-based treatment for clients. Chris will teach practical clinical skills necessary to facilitate a successful outpatient addiction group. This course will train clinicians how to build, structure, facilitate, and manage a healthy group for private practice. The primary goal of the seminar is for attendees to leave with an action plan to start a sex addiction group in their practice immediately.

Covered topics will include:

  • Selection and screening
  • Informed consent
  • Creating a safe culture
  • Group structure
  • Books and materials
  • Facilitation strategies

Learning Objectives

  1. Cite evidence based research on impact of group therapy for sex addicts
  2. Define clear selection and screening process for group members
  3. Explain the necessary Group Informed Consent components
  4. Describe a health group culture
  5. Define a group format and structure
  6. Identify resources such as books, website, and materials for group facilitation.

TIME: October 18th, 2024, Friday, 9AM-5PM PCT, via Zoom

COST: TBD, included 4 7Es provided by IITAP

Thank you, again, for this workshop as it was practical and something that I was able to implement into my practice.


Share this Flyer with your Colleagues!

Please share this flyer with any CSAT-candidates or colleagues who may be interested. As Chris tell’s his clients, beg, borrow and steal in recovery. He believes the same philosophy exists with clinicians! Use the training to help more people struggling with addiction.